When Sophie Became My Best Friend
Popular and loved among her friends, a teacher’s pet all her academic life, my sister Sophie, carries her name around with a big capital S. As a young girl, she was unanimously voted as the school captain and her fan list could put any rock star to shame. In college, she graduated with flying colors in ‘tronics engineering, and from what I’ve heard, she ran quite a revolution there as well. Today, she is a proud mother of two charming girls, loving wife and a top class professional. Having spewed all these praises, would it surprise you if I said, she used to be my sworn enemy while growing up? Yes, we were. The worst kind one could find. She calm and accepting of the whole world, found her only source of irritation to be me. Anything I did or said she couldn’t digest. Of course, the feelings were mutual. Mediocre in school and college, I wasn’t someone any parent could be proud of. In fact just the opposite was true. Notorious for my time, robbing spare change from my mom’s kitchen an...