North Karnataka Delights
Anyone reading or following this website, by now would have realized, how important family and friends are to me. And yes, I have plenty of them. There is no denying that sitting in pajamas all day, writing about feelings, activities in the kitchen, random thoughts and ramblings of everyday life, all out and into the Internet, flooded with mostly strangers, is uncanny for a person who claims to have so many friends and family. But, when caught up in the travesty of life, where for the most bizarre reasons I’ve chosen to move thousands of miles away from home, this is where I manage to find at least one lending ear at the oddest of hours. It may be of a friend or of a family or of a total stranger. It doesn’t matter. Every time I so long to talk to someone, nothing in particular, just something I have to say at the moment, and it is too late to call a friend or too early to call home, there is someone always waiting on me bright eyed and bushy tailed – The Internet. And thus I w...