Kerala Beef Fry / Erachi Olathiyathu
If I were to pull out an old shoe, shove it in a preheated oven at 350 degree, bake it for an hour and serve it for dinner, my husband R, would take the first bite, look around, find a bottle of Tabasco, empty the bottle on top of the leather, wipe his plate clean and then exclaim, baby, you out did yourself again! There is not a jot of deception or exaggeration in the above admission. That simply is R. One, he can eat anything when doused with red hot peppers.Two, he will eat anything I make, like it were manna from the sky. Ok, the first reason I blame on his, for sure, paralyzed taste buds. The second, I’d like to assume is his unconditional love for me ;). I’m led to believe the second reason holds water most often. But, at times when I nag him for having missed a spot under the fridge while vacuuming or when I’m yelling my throat sore for something he didn’t do or more habitually, for something he did, I notice his confused eyes emanate some teeny-weenie amounts of conditions. ...