Bhindi Masala - Okra Masala


A perfect Bhindi Masala should not be slimy and sticky. And the only way to make it that way is to pat dry the Okras after washing them and to stauté them gently at small intervals in the pan. While making a dry Okra dish like this recipe, it helps to use a wide pan. This allows for all the pieces to touch the floor of the pan and lets them cook at the same pace. Make sure you never close the pan with a lid while cooking them in this style.

This forms an excellent combination with Indian breads.



2 lb bhindi (okra) – pat dry after washing and cut into 1/2’’ pieces
1 medium sized onion finely chopped
2 – 3 tomatoes diced into small chunks 
2 –3 green chilies
1 tbsp grated ginger
1  tsp coriander powder
1 tsp dry roasted powdered cumin
1/2 tsp red chili powder ( I ran out of powder so I used a few whole dried red chilies instead)
1/4 tsp 3 Cs spice mix
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
3 – 4 tbsp refined oil
salt to taste


  • Heat 2 tbsp oil in a wide flat pan, add cumin and sauté for a minute.
  • Add chopped onions and sauté until slightly caramelized
  • Add ginger, chopped green chilies  and sauté until oil separates.
  • Add tomatoes, turmeric, coriander, chili, spice mix, salt and sauté until oil separates.
  • Add 2 more tbsp oil into the pan, add the cut okra and toss it a few times to make sure all the pieces are mixed into the tomato onion masala.
  • Let it cook on high flame initially and sauté gently at short intervals.
  • When all the water let out by the okra has evaporated, reduce the flame and let it cook.
  • Continue to sauté gently every few minutes until the okras are well done.
  • Serve with Rice or Indian breads.
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