Kerala Moru Curry / Curried Buttermilk

more2The Indian subcontinent has a gazillion different recipes that work with yogurt and buttermilk as the main ingredient. Some take forever to make. Some not so long and some come together in a matter of minutes. Moru curry is one such yogurt dish made traditionally in Kerala and has a thousand and one variations in preparation.

This dish, along with some form of fish, was served invariably for every meal at the Ganapathiplackals (yes, that weird sounding thing is my maiden name). There were subtle deviations in the recipes every other day though. Sometimes they had vegetables in them, at times ground coconut, onions, ginger and garlic, sometimes   all of these and most times, plain by itself just seasoned with mustard, fenugreek, curry leaves and chilies. I got so used to eating this at most of our meals that till today if it is Kerala cuisine, and there is no ‘Moru Curry’ in it, I find it quite incomplete no matter how elaborate the spread might be.


2 cups yogurt
3 tbsp Grated Coconut
2 –3 shallots
1 tsp finely chopped garlic
1tsp finely grated ginger
1/2 tsp [amazon-product type=”text” text=”turmeric powder”]B000JMAXOC[/amazon-product]
1/4 tsp [amazon-product type=”text” text=”fenugreek seeds”]B000RHSW10[/amazon-product]
1/2 tsp [amazon-product type=”text” text=”cumin seeds”]B000JMBECW [/amazon-product]
1/2 tsp [amazon-product type=”text” text=”black mustard seeds”]B001E6CFAW[/amazon-product]
4 dried red chilies
1 –2 sprigs of curry leaves
2 tbsp [amazon-product type=”text” text=”coconut oil”]B002DGNP10[/amazon-product]/refined oil
salt to taste



  • Beat curd with equal quantity of water and set aside.
  • Grind coconut, [amazon-product type=”text” text=”turmeric powder”]B000JMAXOC[/amazon-product], 2 red chilies  and [amazon-product type=”text” text=”cumin”]B000JMBECW [/amazon-product]
    with a little water to a  fine paste.
  • Add curd to the coconut mixture and blend.
  • Gently warm on low flame, stirring constantly.
  • Heat oil in a shallow pan, Add [amazon-product type=”text” text=”mustard”]B001E6CFAW[/amazon-product], [amazon-product type=”text” text=”fenugreek seeds”]B000RHSW10[/amazon-product], remaining red chilies and curry leaves.
  • When the [amazon-product type=”text” text=”mustard”]B001E6CFAW[/amazon-product] pops, add ginger, garlic and shallots and sauté till golden brown.
  • Let this cool for a bit and then pour on top of the curd mixture with constant stirring.
  • Put off the flame.
  • Serve with white rice.
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