Caramel Custard
Custards and puddings are very easy to make and can be put together in a matter of minutes. They just need a little extra care while baking. Gentle heat in a water bath allows for slow cooking and is the best way to mold out a perfect custard that is not lumpy and curdled.
You can make them either divided in cups of individual serving sizes or all together in a big dish that can be sliced up before serving. Either way works fine. I prefer making it all together in a big dish as I find it easier to refrigerate it as a whole. This also allows my guests to decide how big or a small they’d like the slice to be.
1 cup sugar(1/2 cup for the caramel, 1/2 for the custard)
2 cups milk
3 eggs at room temperature
1 1/2 tsp good vanilla extract
big pinch of nutmeg (optional)
1/5 tsp salt
Never leave the stove while making caramel as it takes just a second to burn up on you!
In the above recipe, you could replace 1/2 cup sugar and 1 cup milk with a can of condensed milk to add a little more richness
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